Changing lives one smile at a time.

For the past 3 years, we have managed to offer free orthodontic treatment to many school kids around the areas we operate in. The purpose of this initiative was to educate young kids about the importance of oral health. Our founder, Dr. K.P. Mokuele has a vested interest in pediatric dentistry and always finds ways to enrich young minds through self-empowerment and self- confidence-building initiatives. With 7 practices around Gauteng, we are in a prime position to offer free orthodontic treatments to Grades 7 and 8 learners that attend school in and around the areas we operate in. In total, we have offered over 60 free treatments in the past 3 years.

“Even if you change one life, you have changed the world completely.”

We understand that as a company, we are in a unique position to change the lives of South African kids in disadvantaged areas. Therefore, we have introduced school activations in public schools, to help educate school kids on oral health, alongside our collaborative partners Colgate and Meridol toothpaste.
With consent from the school governing bodies, principals, and legal guardians, we offered free oral screenings to Grades R, 1, 2, and .7 In the past few months, we were warmly welcomed by learners from Meadowlands Primary School, Florida Primary School, and Noordegesig Primary School.

“Fish where the fish are biting!”

For the past 3 months, our marketing team worked extremely hard to make it easier for our potential clients to trace us. Fun and exciting activities were implemented, and the feedback from our valued communities has been amazing. We did over 15 exhibitions at 5 different shopping centers/malls. During these exhibitions, our team has distributed over 4000 informative leaflets, 3500 branded keyholders, and 500 business cards. These distributions led to a significant rise in sales and market penetration. Furthermore, we have over 20 street pole ads around Gauteng to help strengthen our marketing effort.
This is only the beginning! We have more exciting news coming your way, look out for our next issue. A lot of excellent work has been done and many communities have been positively impacted. The team has been kept positive by all the love and support we have received from our valued patients, followers, friends, and families.

It’s no easy job, but we are happy to do it. Sunset Dentistry, let’s continue to #MakeSmilesTrendy.



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    Mon-Fri: 8:00-17:00
    Sat: 8:00-13:00
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